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Founder and CEO of Upgraded Points, Alex is a leader in the industry and has earned and redeemed millions of points and miles. He frequently discusses the award travel industry with CNBC, Fox Business...
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Travelers who want to avoid a frenzied terminal or just save some cash flying at nonpeak times often face the dilemma of choosing between a flight that departs before the sun even rises or well after a reasonable bedtime. However, not all airports handle these travel time slots equally.
We wanted to do a little legwork for those who love the first flight out or a red-eye by analyzing flight data from 50 of the busiest U.S. airports to determine which ones are best for early birds and which cater more to night owls.
Our study looks at flight frequencies, delays, and the availability of drinks that match the early-morning or late-night occasion. Dive in to see how your local airport stacks up, and maybe tuck this information away the next time you know you’ll be flying before the sun rises or after it sets.
The Best U.S. Airports for Early-Morning Flights
Image Credit: Upgraded Points
Early-morning flights can be a good choice for travelers looking to steer clear of the crowds, avoid departure delays, and even save a few bucks booking travel that is in less demand than later in the day.
The airports that top our list for those who approach life with a “first flight out” mentality see a higher percentage of their flights departing before 8 a.m., a lower percentage of those flights being delayed, and a shorter average delay time when delays occur. They also have more places to get a coffee per passenger than other airports. Here are our findings:
Places That Sell Coffee: 0.79 per 1 million passengers
Early flights at 3 U.S. airports actually take off earlier than they’re scheduled to. Flights before 8 a.m. at Kahului Airport (OGG), William P. Hobby Airport (HOU), and Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) all take off up to 2 minutes early, on average. If you’re an early bird, these airports are for you.
On the opposite end of the spectrum of early birds are those who would prefer to let the hubbub of the day pass by and hop on a late-night flight to enjoy the peace of traveling with fewer cabin mates. While delays are more prevalent later in the day, nighttime flyers can enjoy less expensive flights, similar to their early-morning counterparts.
Airports with a higher percentage of flights departing after 8 p.m., fewer of those flights experiencing delays, and the delays being less severe fared well in our late-night flight ranking. Additionally, the number of places in each airport that sell alcohol was considered for this ranking. Here’s what we found:
The Best Airports for Late-Night Flights:
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL) — Scored 36.5 out of 50
Places That Sell Alcohol: 0.79 per 1 million passengers
Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) — 33.7
Percent of Flights Departing After 8 p.m.: 19.6%
Average Delay of Late Flights: 9 minutes
Late flights at 3 airports experience an average delay of less than 5 minutes: Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU), Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), and Kahului Airport (OGG).
Two additional airports stand out in our study for interesting reasons. Indianapolis International Airport (IND) is notable because, although only 0.3% of the flights we analyzed took off after 8 p.m., not a single one was delayed. On average, late flights out of IND take off about 5 minutes before they’re scheduled to. Kansas City International Airport (MCI) didn’t have a single flight that took off after 8 p.m. based on the 1,200 flights we analyzed for the airport.
Late flights at 3 airports experience an average delay of longer than 30 minutes: Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (45 minutes), Miami International Airport (34 minutes), and San Antonio International Airport (31 minutes). If you intend to put off your travel plans until much later in the day, other airports should be considered before these.
What Goes Into a Great Airport for Early or Late Flights?
Curious to see how your airport ranks for early-morning or late-night flights? Our interactive table allows you to explore our full data set. Sort the table by the factors we considered for each ranking or search for your airport directly to see how it fared in the study. Dive into the data below to find out more!
To determine the best and worst airports for early-morning and late-night flights, we analyzed 50 of the busiest U.S. airports and ranked them from 1 to 50 based on factors that would be important for early birds and night owls.
We collected data on each airport, considering flight factors like the percentage of flights that depart before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m., the percentage of flights in those time frames that get delayed, the average departure delay in minutes for both timeframes, and the number of places in each airport that sell coffee and alcohol. The complete list of ranking factors and their sources can be found below for reference:
Airports cater to the needs of millions of different flyers, so it’s no surprise that some are better suited for early risers and others for the late-night crowd. Folks in Cleveland, Kansas City, and Fort Myers can rest assured knowing their local airports are ideal for the first flight out, while people visiting Atlanta, Detroit, or Salt Lake City might consider extending their stay and taking a late-night flight home.
At Upgraded Points, we understand the importance of seamless travel, no matter the reason. Whether you’re planning a trip at dawn or dusk, we hope our expertise can help you make more informed travel decisions. Or at least give you something to read while waiting on your 9 p.m. flight that’s now been delayed for 40 minutes.
No matter which side of midnight you choose to fly, you can earn rewards every time you travel. Check out our recommendations for the best travel credit cards today!