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Daniel has loved aviation and travel his entire life. He earned a Master of Science in Air Transport Management and has written about travel and aviation in publications like Simple Flying, The Points...
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The most perk-laden Chase credit card just got even … perkier.
Chase Sapphire Reserve® cardholders will receive complimentary Lyft Pink All Access for 2 years as well as 50% off the price of membership for the third year.
Here’s what you need to know about the newest perk to hit your wallet.
Chase Sapphire Reserve Card Offers Lyft Pink All Access
Image Credit: Roman Tiraspolsky via Shutterstock
If you already have the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, all you need to do is enroll by December 31, 2024. Once you’ve enrolled, log in to your Lyft app and make sure your Chase Sapphire Reserve card is set as the default payment method.
Lyft Pink All Access is the top-tier membership level for Lyft members. It affords members a wealth of benefits including access to Bike Angel rewards, unlimited bike and scooter discounts, unlimited 45-minute classic bike rides, and 3 free bike or scooter guest passes.
This is all on top of the benefits that regular Lyft Pink members have such as free priority pickup upgrades, complimentary Grubhub+ for a year (normally a $9.99 fee each month), member-exclusive pricing, more generous cancellation policies, roadside assistance, SIXT car rental upgrades, and 12 free bike or scooter unlocks per year.
Is It Worth It?
Typically, it’d cost you $199 annually for a Lyft Pink All Access membership, but thanks to the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, you can get a complimentary membership for 2 years, and will receive a 50% discount on your third year of membership.
Remember, too, that the Chase Sapphire Reserve card features a $300 annual travel credit that you can use toward rides with Lyft.
Final Thoughts
The Chase Sapphire Reserve card already boasts one of the most comprehensive and complete suites of benefits out of any premium travel rewards credit card on the market today. Adding valuable Lyft Pink All Access makes this card even more beneficial to cardholders.
With the Chase Sapphire Reserve card continually adding benefits for cardholders, it’s perhaps easier than ever before to see why the card deserves a spot in your wallet.