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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Aegean Airlines has a program that allows customers to prepurchase domestic Greece flights and international flights from Greece to popular European destinations. Through the AEGEAN Pass program, customers can select their preferred routes and then purchase a discounted set of flights with various terms of flexibility. Aegean has added more cities to this popular program, and you may want to have a look, especially if you’re a heavy European traveler.
What Is AEGEAN Pass?
Instead of purchasing airfare flight by flight, Aegean will allow you to purchase up to 10 flights in advance under fixed terms, allowing you to prepurchase your flights and not have to rely on the variable market rates of tickets.
Essentially, you can purchase either a book of 6 or 10 tickets, and then choose whether you want to book 30 days in advance, 7 days in advance, or the day-of your travel. Which option you choose, as well as your route, determines the cost of your bulk ticket purchase. With the current prices of airfare, purchasing tickets in advance and in bulk can be a great way to save.
In addition to the prepurchased flights, you can get free standard seat selection, free upfront seats, and complimentary carry-on baggage, depending on the AEGEAN Pass that you purchase.
Because you have 12 months from the date of purchase to use your tickets, there is quite a bit of time to fly. You can also change your ticket, so long as it falls within the guidelines of your booking window.
You can save on flights using the AEGEAN Pass program. Image Credit: Daniel Ross
The AEGEAN Pass is a great way to save on travel throughout Europe, especially if you frequent Greece or have a reason to travel from there to other European countries. Consider purchasing the AEGEAN Pass before your travels so you can save on these otherwise costly tickets.