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Boasting a portfolio of over 20 cards, Jarrod has been an expert in the points and miles space for over 6 years. He earns and redeems over 1 million points per year and his work has been featured in o...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
The Aeroplan® Credit Card, issued by Chase, has an interesting new offer that’s unlike any other we’ve seen before. With it, you’ll be able to earn 10x points per $1 on international transactions during the summer months.
Here’s a look at how cardholders can take advantage of this offer.
Aeroplan Card 10x Points on International Transactions This Summer
Image Credit: Chase
From July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022, cardholders will earn 10x points per $1 on international purchases when paying with your Aeroplan card on up to $1,500 in qualifying purchases — allowing you to earn up to 15,000 bonus points for this promotion.
Here are the terms to be aware of:
No registration is required.
Note that you’ll earn 10x total points per $1 on these transactions, meaning even if a purchase falls within a card 3x bonus category like dining or grocery stores, you’ll still earn 10x points per $1 spent.
Qualifying international purchases include those made at merchants located outside the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and U.S. military installations.
The offer runs through September 30, 2022.
Purchases made through third-party payment accounts, digital wallets (like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal), or through third parties are excluded from this offer.
Qualifying purchases exclude balance transfers, cash advances, travelers’ checks, foreign currency, money orders, wire transfers or similar cash-like transactions, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, racetrack wagers or similar betting transactions, any checks that access your account, interest, unauthorized or fraudulent charges, and fees of any kind, including an annual fee, if applicable.
This bonus offer is non-transferable and applies only to the account of the primary cardmember referenced in this offer.
Please allow up to 8 weeks after qualifying purchases post to your account for bonus points to be reflected.
Again, keep in mind that qualifying transactions only apply to those that are made while you are physically overseas. If you make a purchase from an international merchant, while physically in the U.S., that transaction would not be eligible for the 10x rewards.
Hot Tip: 15,000 Aeroplan points won’t get you very far on their own, but this is a great opportunity for those looking to help top off their account for a high-value Aeroplan award ticket.
Final Thoughts
While the $1,500 spend cap will limit the overall usefulness of this offer, it is still a solid offer. Without a doubt, 10x points per $1 on all of your spending when abroad with the Aeroplan card is far better than what you’d earn on any other card.
We’re fans of this unique offer and certainly hope we’ll see similar promotions in the future!