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Victoria holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the Howard University School of Communications and is an award-winning journalist, travel reporter, and the founder of the “Carrying On with Victoria...
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Breeze Airways is back with some big news.
The still-new start-up airline, launched by JetBlue founder David Neeleman, has expanded rapidly in recent months and has now announced a new base of operations at Rhode Island T. F. Green International Airport (PVD) near Providence.
Let’s take a look at the news!
Breeze Will Grow PVD Base to 20 Routes Over 5 Years
Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee announced that Breeze has plans to establish a base of operations at PVD on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.
The move will see Breeze grow its network at T.F. Green to at least 20 routes, operating 20 weekly departures by the end of next year. Breeze says it expects to reach an expected 44 weekly departures by 2027.
Up to 8 aircraft will be based at the airport — most of which will be the Airbus A220 jet, which seats up to 160 passengers.
Breeze already has a presence at the airport and currently operates nonstop flights to Charleston (CHS), Jacksonville (JAX), Norfolk (ORF), Pittsburgh (PIT), and Richmond (RIC).
Additionally, the airline says it will launch service to Savannah (SAV) and Los Angeles (LAX) next year — though no timeline has been provided — and seasonal service to Columbus (CMH).
Breeze is launching a new base at PVD Airport. Image Credit: Breeze Airways
“Since launching here a year ago, the community, the airport and the state of Rhode Island have fully embraced Breeze — making it one of our fastest growing cities,” said Tom Doxey, President of Breeze Airways, in a statement. Doxey said the airline is “thrilled” to expand services from PVD in the coming years.
Breeze began operations in the spring of 2021, and it now offers nearly 90 nonstop routes between 30 cities in 18 states.
This is pretty significant news. While PVD isn’t the region’s largest airport, it serves passengers from neighboring states such as Massachusetts and eastern Connecticut. Travelers should be thrilled to see nonstop flights between smaller airports without having to connect at a larger hub.