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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Chase has an interesting perk for holders of select credit cards where you can redeem your Ultimate Rewards points toward purchases made on your card, and, rather than getting the usual 1 cent per 1 point redemption rate, you can get an additional bonus, allowing your points to go further. The categories for these purchases can vary by card, and Chase has now extended the redemption period for a few categories by several months, yet again.
Here are the details of all of the Pay Yourself Back categories that are being extended.
Eligible Cards and Their Pay Yourself Back Categories
Chase Sapphire Preferred cardholders will get their Airbnb category extended through December 31, 2022, and Select Charities expires on December 31, 2022. Cardholders can pay themselves back on these charges with 25% more value (1.25 cents per point).
Select Cards
You can redeem your points for Select Charities through December 31, 2022, with a 25% bonus (1.25 cents per point) with the following cards:
You can redeem points to cover eligible charges on your statement. Image Credit: Chase
It’s very easy to redeem your Ultimate Rewards points toward a purchase.
First, log in to your Ultimate Rewards portal, then select Pay Yourself Back. Simply select an eligible charge within the past 90 days, and you can choose how many Ultimate Rewards points you want to use to cover that charge. You don’t have to have enough for the entire charge and can redeem a smaller amount to only cover a portion.
While redeeming points to cover normal purchases isn’t usually the best use of points, having a way to get more out of your redemptions can certainly be appealing. If you are spending at any one of the listed categories and have points to spare, consider wiping these charges from your statement with the extended expiration dates of the Chase Pay Yourself Back categories.