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Boasting a portfolio of over 20 cards, Jarrod has been an expert in the points and miles space for over 6 years. He earns and redeems over 1 million points per year and his work has been featured in o...
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When travel practically came to a standstill in 2020 after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chase introduced the “Pay Yourself Back” feature to give cardholders a way to redeem their points at increased rates on non-travel purchases.
This was a big hit with cardholders, and now Chase is extending the Pay Yourself Back program through the end of the year in an effort to continue providing value to Ink cardholders.
Here’s a look at all the details.
Pay Yourself Back on Shipping, Advertising, and Internet Services
Through December 31, 2021, those who have the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card and Ink Business Plus® Credit Card (no longer open to new applicants) who opt-in for accelerated earnings and utilize Pay Yourself Back can redeem points for 25% more value on shipping and select advertising purchases. This category also includes internet, cable, and phone services and charitable contributions.
Also through December 31, 2021, those who hold the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card, Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card, and Ink Cash® Credit Card (no longer open to new applicants) can redeem their points for 10% more value for internet, cable, and phone services.
If you’re a business owner who spends a significant amount of money on shipping, advertising, or even internet and phone services, this is a great opportunity for you to subsidize these expenses by redeeming your Ultimate Rewards points at a rate of 1.1 to 1.25 cents per point, depending on which card you hold.
It’s not just shipping and advertising purchases that are getting a boost — from November 1, 2021, through November 30, 2021, Chase will offer Ink Business cardholders the opportunity to redeem their points towards Apple products at elevated rates.
Those with the Ink Business Preferred card or Ink Business Plus card will be able to redeem their Ultimate Rewards points for Apple products with a 25% bonus, which translates to a rate of 1.25 cents per point.
Those with the Ink Business Cash card, Ink Business Unlimited card, or the Ink Cash card will be able to redeem their Ultimate Rewards points for Apple products with a 10% bonus, at a rate of 1.1 cents per point.
If you have one of the Ink Business cards and you have an awful lot of Chase Ultimate Rewards points burning a hole in your pocket, having the option to redeem these points for 10% to 25% more in value for several business expenses or Apple products is a fantastic option to have.
Remember, you have through December 31, 2021, to Pay Yourself Back with shipping, advertising, internet, cable, and phone services, while elevated redemptions for Apple products can only take place between November 1 and November 30, 2021.
Sure, it may not feel as cool as redeeming your points for business class flights, but, as they say, a penny saved is a penny earned!