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Daniel has loved aviation and travel his entire life. He earned a Master of Science in Air Transport Management and has written about travel and aviation in publications like Simple Flying, The Points...
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Hyatt has unveiled FIND — a platform available to World of Hyatt members that offers a catalog of incredible experiences around the world, from Arizona to Uzbekistan.
“We know travelers are eager to explore new destinations and are prioritizing their well-being now more than ever,” said Amy Weinberg, Senior Vice President of Loyalty, Brand Marketing, and Consumer Insights at Hyatt. “The FIND platform allows for more opportunities to enhance World of Hyatt members’ well-being through a lens of self-discovery. With experiences available to all members, it’s incredibly easy for them to find something that moves them or keeps them moving.”
Let’s take a look at the details of this new platform!
Something for Everybody
As noted above, you must be a member of the World of Hyatt program to access the FIND platform. If you’re not already a member, you can sign up for free here.
The platform boasts more than 200 unique experiences that are available to guests across 85 destinations in more than 30 countries around the world that have been curated specifically to boost well-being.
Hyatt has chosen 3 focus areas for these experiences: Feel, Fuel, and Function.
The platform gives you the option of searching for your FIND experience by both category and location.
Explore FIND experiences by category. Image Credit: Hyatt
Experiences can be found both on and off Hyatt properties, and you don’t need to be a guest at a Hyatt hotel to book an experience.
What links each of the experiences together is Hyatt’s desire to create a way for its guests to look after their well-being in whichever ways best suit the individual.
Horseback riding at Tamaya New Mexico. Image Credit: Hyatt
You could learn how to make Plov — a famous Uzbek dish. Image Credit: Hyatt
This group of experiences is for the foodies. This category aims to energize members with the freshest local ingredients and innovative culinary experiences.
Explore the sights of Edinburgh with an experience from the Function category. Image Credit: Hyatt
The third experience group is named Function, and it’s designed for the adventurous type or for those who prefer to be active as a way of revitalizing their bodies and minds.
Hyatt’s new FIND platform provides its World of Hyatt members with a new and exciting way to redeem points.
Whether it’s treating you and your other half to an innovative dinner experience in your home city or adding an exhilarating and memorable excursion to your bucket-list trip to Asia, with so many choices available, it’d be hard not to FIND the perfect experience for you.