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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
Qantas is offering double points or status credits for bookings made by March 28, 2023. If you’re able to plan ahead and book your flights now, you’ll be handsomely rewarded with more redeemable points, or a faster way to reach or renew status.
The Offer
When you book any Qantas marketed and operated flight between March 23, 2023 and March 28, 2023, for travel through February 28, 2024, you’ll have the option to choose between double points or double status credits.
In order to participate in this offer, you’ll need to enrollhere. You’ll be asked to choose which reward you’d like, and your decision will impact how you earn on flights:
Double points will give you more redeemable points toward future flights and upgrades.
Double status credit allows you to renew or attain a higher status level much quicker than a normal flyer.
You can make as many bookings as you’d like, so you’re obviously incentivized to purchase as many flights as you possibly can by March 28, 2023. Since you can travel into next year, nearly every possible flight will be available to you, so if you’re able to plan far in advance, you can ensure you’re getting an increased earning depending on which offer you choose.
Book your Qantas flights now so you can receive double points or faster earnings towards status. Image Credit: James Larounis
If you’re choosing the double status credits offer, it’s important to know what it takes to reach status with Qantas:
300 status credits are required for Silver
700 status credits are required for Gold
1,400 status credits are required for Platinum
3,600 status credits are required for Platinum Pro
Consider a flight from Los Angeles to Sydney as an illustration of how much you might earn:
6,750 Qantas points and 60 status credits in economy class
9,000 Qantas points and 90 status credits in premium economy
13,500 Qantas points and 180 status credits in business class
18,000 Qantas points and 270 status credits in first class
So, assuming you buy an economy fare, with this offer you could choose to earn either:
13,500 Qantas points if you choose the double points
120 status credits if you choose the double status credits
Assuming you take the status credits, that means you essentially need to fly 2.5 one-way trips in economy class from LAX to SYD to earn Qantas Gold status, something that some regular fliers may be able to accomplish with ease.
If you can pre-plan your Qantas flights for this year and 2024, you’ll have the opportunity to earn extra points or status credits, whichever you choose. It pays to book as much as you can now, as this offer will only last a few days.