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Chris holds a B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management and managed social media for all Marriott properties in South America, making him a perfect fit for UP and its social media channels. He has a ...
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With a busy summer travel season ahead, United has debuted its newest amenity kits in partnership with Away.
Exclusive to passengers flying premium cabins, there will be 3 versions of the kits, each with the signature design aesthetic travelers have come to appreciate from Away.
Let’s take a look at the new collaboration, and which amenity kit you can expect on your next flight with United.
Amenity Kits by Away
United Airlines and Away have partnered to design a new line of amenity kits that are inspired by Away’s thoughtful and popular suitcases and accessories.
“As travel demand continues to rise to unprecedented levels, travelers are seeking comfort and quality now more than ever when they fly — that’s why we chose to partner with Away,” said Luc Bondar, vice president of marketing and loyalty and president of MileagePlus at United. “Away’s mutual commitment to making travel more seamless, elevated, and modern design aesthetic is in perfect harmony with United’s brand, and we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to be the only airline to provide this unique offering to our customers.”
There will be 3 different versions of the United and Away co-branded amenity kits, each with a reusable, durable case, complete with a variety of comfort items to make your flight more enjoyable.
Hard Pod
The Hard Pod amenity kit by Away will be available for passengers flyingUnited Polaris business class on long-haul international flights.
Hard Pod amenity kit by Away. Image Credit: United Airlines
The pod is a hardshell case that is designed to replicate an Away suitcase. The inside will have an elastic band to keep the contents more organized.
Sports Pouch
The Sports Pouch amenity kit by Away will be available for passengers flying United Premium Plus on long-haul international flights.
Sports Pouch amenity kit by Away. Image Credit: United Airlines
The pouch is a soft, protective material and will close by a zipper to keep belongings secured.
Zip Case
The Zip Case amenity kit by Away will be available for passengers flying United Business class on premium transcontinental flights.
Zip Case amenity kit by Away. Image Credit: United Airlines
The case is made from a water-resistant material and should be handy for future use storing liquids and passing through airport security.
Skincare Partner
The skincare products in all of the variations will continue to be provided by Sunday Riley, which passengers can also find in premium cabin lavatories as well as on the ground in lounges.
United Premium Cabins
United has been busy introducing new routes and updating its cabins with the latest Polaris seats, so these new amenity kits should fit in nicely.
The outgoing United Polaris amenity kit. Image Credit: Chris Hassan
Of the major U.S. carriers, United has had some of the best amenity kits lately — especially on international long-haul flights.
Passengers flying in premium cabins, domestic or international, should find these new Away amenity kits appealing. However, we will have to wait and see about quality.
Final Thoughts
As a happy Away bag owner and a frequent United Polaris flyer, I’m excited about the new amenity kits and I love a good brand crossover.
The Hard Pod amenity kits look like mini carry-on bags, which I think are really attractive, but only time will tell how good the quality is.
Overall, an airline improving its product is generally a good thing!