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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
Hyatt has introduced its latest promotion to earn extra World of Hyatt points, though it is primarily be focused on the Asia Pacific region and won’t be useful for everyone.
The Asia Pacific Mid-year Bonus Promotion
Between May 16, 2022, and September 2, 2022, you can earn 1,000 extra World of Hyatt points for every 2 nights spent in a Hyatt hotel in the Asia Pacific region, with a maximum of 15,000 World of Hyatt points earned.
You’ll first need to register by visiting the promotion website.
It’s worth noting that M life Rewards hotels, Small Luxury Hotels of the World properties, and Lindblad Expeditions will not count for this offer.
Participating Locations
Hyatt hotels in these countries will count towards the offer:
Cook Islands
Greater China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan
New Zealand
South Korea
Sri Lanka
Since you’re allowed a maximum of 15,000 bonus points earned on this offer, that means you can only stay a maximum of 30 nights under this promotion. Even if you only have a 1-night stay, you can still earn points under this promotion; the 2 nights to earn 1,000 points don’t need to be consecutive. So, every 2 nights, regardless of whether they are back to back, will count toward this promotion.
You can earn 1,000 points for every 2 nights stayed at Hyatt hotels in Asia or the Pacific, like the Grand Hyatt Melbourne. Image Credit: Hyatt
What Can You Use 15,000 Points On
With 15,000 points, you will have enough points for a free night in a Category 1 to 4 property, except for Category 4 peak nights (our guide to World of Hyatt details the full award chart). You’ll also be able to use your points for suite upgrades or club access upgrades.
It is likely that this offer will be especially valuable for World of Hyatt members located in Asia or the Pacific, and there are plenty of nice Category 1 to 4 hotels, including the Hyatt Regency Sydney or the Grand Hyatt Melbourne.
While it’s not worth maximizing this offer strictly to earn 15,000 points, if you have many stays in Asia or the Pacific planned, it will certainly be nice to get more points for those stays. This offer likely isn’t great for U.S.-based members (unless you’ve got a lot of foreign stays planned), and is a promotion primarily targeted at those who are located in Asia or the Pacific.