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Daniel has loved aviation and travel his entire life. He earned a Master of Science in Air Transport Management and has written about travel and aviation in publications like Simple Flying, The Points...
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Southwest Airlines has announced the launch of its new business traveler-focused rewards program, aptly named Rapid Rewards Business.
The announcement comes as aviation emerges from the worst of the pandemic and business travel is starting to return.
The new rewards program will be in addition to the airline’s original regular frequent flyer program — Rapid Rewards — and will benefit both employers and employees simultaneously.
“We’re thrilled to bring our award-winning Rapid Rewards program to businesses who fly frequently, rewarding both road warriors and their companies who rely on Southwest to connect them to the people and places that are important to their business”, said Silke Koehneke, Senior Direct of Sales for Southwest Business.
Let’s take a closer look.
The Benefits of Southwest Rapid Rewards Business
Businesses benefit from their employees’ travels by earning bonus Rapid Rewards Business points depending on the type of ticket they purchased.
The earning for businesses is as follows:
Business Select fares earn 3 Rapid Rewards Business points per $1
Anytime fares earn 2 Rapid Rewards Business points per $1
Wanna Get Away fares earn 1 Rapid Rewards Business point per $1
Businesses must ensure that employees link their personal Rapid Rewards accounts with the company travel program to be eligible for the bonus Rapid Rewards Business points.
Image Credit: Stephen M. Keller, Southwest Airlines
To link the accounts, the employee will need to log in to their employer’s SWABIZ account and access the Traveler experience section of the website.
Next, you’ll need to hit the Add my Rapid Rewards account link, log in using your personal Rapid Rewards details, verify the information presented and confirm by selection Yes, this is correct.
To qualify for points earning, flights must also be booked through specific corporate booking platforms such as SWABIZ, Southwest Partner Services, or a Global Distribution System (GDS).
In the same way as the airline’s Rapid Rewards program, points earned through the Rapid Rewards Business program will never expire and are not subject to any blackout dates when earning or redeeming points.
Final Thoughts
The Rapid Rewards Business program is a winner for both employers and employees.
It’s a great way for businesses to earn points which they can then redeem for employees’ travel. Better still, employers get to reward their employees by ensuring they too earn points from their travels.