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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Alaska Airlines is the newest member of the Oneworld alliance and has started a codeshare agreement with partner Iberia Airlines, the Spanish flag carrier.
What Is a Codeshare?
A codeshare is where one airline sells seats on another airline’s flights and places their own flight number on those flights.
For example, Iberia cannot possibly fly to all of the places Alaska flies to — places like Santa Rosa (STS), Santa Barbara (SBA), Portland (PDX), or Eugene (EUG). Iberia can only fly to the most major of cities, and, on the West Coast where Alaska is very strong, that’s San Francisco (SFO) seasonally and Los Angeles (LAX) year-round. Iberia can now sell a flight from Madrid (MAD) to Los Angeles (LAX) on an Iberia aircraft, and then onwards to Anchorage (ANC) on an Alaska aircraft.
Normally, without a codeshare, passengers wouldn’t be able to get to their end destination without purchasing a separate ticket.
With the new Alaska and Iberia codeshare partnership, you can fly to more than 40 destinations that Alaska serves when you fly into the U.S. on Iberia. image Credit: Iberia
Because of the expansiveness of Alaska’s route network, Iberia passengers will have access to over 40 new destinations on the West Coast, which is great for connectivity and the Oneworld partnership. This partnership is especially valuable out of Los Angeles and San Francisco where Alaska has many flights.
Because Iberia and Alaska are in Oneworld, you’ll be able to earn and redeem miles on each airline and receive preferential boarding and seating assignments as an elite passenger, lounge access, and extra baggage allowances.
To book, visit either Alaska’s or Iberia’s website, or call their respective reservation phone numbers.
Any time an airline enters into a codeshare agreement with another airline, it’s usually a good thing. Passengers will get to have more flight options when flying into the U.S. on Iberia, and onwards past Spain. The new codeshare agreement allows both Alaska and Iberia to sell each other’s flights, a win-win for customers across the board.