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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Update:The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
There’s a great new Chase Offer out where you can save 5% on JetBlue flights, as flagged by MilesTalk. Unfortunately, only certain cardmembers are targeted, so you’ll need to check your app to see if you’re eligible. If you are targeted for this offer, you can save a few bucks on your next JetBlue flight.
Chase Offers
Chase Offers are very similar to Amex Offers, where you can spend with certain select merchants, and Chase will then provide a credit back to you for a portion of the sale. You can see which Chase Offers you’ve been targeted for by going to your Chase app, scrolling to each individual card, and then going to the Chase Offers section.
It’s very likely you will not be targeted for this offer. Major Chase Offers to save on airline tickets or hotel stays tend to come few and far between but it’s always worth it to check your accounts.
Hot Tip: If you’re not familiar with Chase Offers, check out our step-by-step guide on How to Find Your Chase Offers and maximize them to save money!
The Offer
If you are targeted, you’ll be able to save 5% on your next JetBlue flight.
You’ll need to spend $50 or more in a single transaction. Unlike many Amex Offers that allow you to have multiple transactions to build up to a single offer, most Chase Offers require one individual transaction only.
You can get a maximum of $23.50 back on this offer. That certainly isn’t a huge amount, but savings on airline tickets are rare, so any savings certainly helps.
The transaction must be made directly with JetBlue. It can’t be made with a travel agent or online travel agency (OTA).
It is not valid on any inflight purchases, only ticket sales.
The offer is valid for any JetBlue ticket, no matter the destination.
You can save 5% on your next JetBlue flight with Chase Offers. Image Credit: Daniel Ross
Cardmembers report this offer expiring on April 27, 2023, but sometimes you may be targeted for a different expiration date, so be sure to take a look at your specific offer to see when it expires.
If you don’t think you’ll use this offer yourself, consider using it on a friend or family member and have that person pay you back minus the discounted amount. It’s a win-win situation where you earn the points on your credit card, and they get a discounted flight.
Final Thoughts
This definitely isn’t a huge savings, but it’s nice to see an opportunity to get a few bucks back when purchasing a JetBlue flight. Take a look at all of your Chase credit cards to see if you were targeted, as it may be on one, all, or none of your cards.