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Katie has been in the points and miles game since 2015 and started her own blog in 2016. She’s been freelance writing since then and her work has been featured in publications like Travel + Leisure, F...
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United flyers have a couple of reasons to celebrate. First, it’s National Aviation Day (and we all love to travel, right?). Second, there’s a new promo code available from United that can save you $75 on select United flights booked by August 22, 2022. While this is good news, there are a few catches you’ll want to be aware of.
Here are all the details of this new limited-time promo.
Save $75 on United Flights With Promo Code
When you book a United economy flight now through August 22, 2022, you can save $75 by using the promo code AVIATION75.
This deal is good for one-way or round-trip economy flights booked on United’s website or mobile app between August 19, 2022, and August 22, 2022, and for travel between October 17, 2022, and December 14, 2022. Unfortunately, this is only good for travel from the U.S. and Canada to/from Europe.
Additionally, the terms and conditions state that this is targeted so it may not work for everyone.
How To Book This Deal
On United’s website, enter your flight dates and destination in the search box as usual. Then click on Advanced Search. Scroll down and click on the dropdown arrow next to Upgrades, certificates, and promotion codes. Enter the code AVIATION75 in the promotions and certificates field.
Use code AVIATION75 to save $75. Image Credit: United Airlines
The flights eligible for the $75 discount will be marked as Special offer in your search results.
Flights eligible for the discount will be marked as “Special offer.” Image Credit: United Airlines
When it’s time to check out, you’ll see verification of the discount in your price breakdown.
You should see the $75 discount in your price breakdown. Image Credit: United Airlines
If you’re booking on the United app, you’ll enter AVIATION75 under Advanced search>Promo code which is located just under the destination and travel dates fields. Just as when booking on the website, eligible flights will be marked as Special offer and you’ll be able to see the discount in your price breakdown before purchasing your ticket.
When booking on United’s mobile app, enter code AVIATION75 in the promo code box. Image Credit: United Airlines
Final Thoughts
United Airlines has a new promotion to celebrate National Aviation Day. When you book a United economy flight now through August 22, 2022, you can save $75 by using the promo code AVIATION75.
This deal is good for travel between October 17, 2022, and December 14, 2022, from the U.S. and Canada to and from Europe.