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Victoria holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the Howard University School of Communications and is an award-winning journalist, travel reporter, and the founder of the “Carrying On with Victoria...
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American Airlines passengers who are members of the Transportation Security Administration’s TSA PreCheck program can clear security with their phone and face at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), with more airports to come.
Here’s what to know.
Use Your Face for TSA Screening on American Airlines Flights
American Airlines is giving travelers the option of using their physical ID cards or their biometric information, along with their TSA PreCheck number.
You can create an American Airlines Mobile ID using a TSA PreCheck membership, AAdvantage number, and either a driver’s license or U.S. passport.
Here’s how it works for American Airlines passengers who want to use this program:
Download the Airside Digital Identity app on an iOS or Android device
Take a photo of your face
Scan your driver’s license or passport with the app
Enter your American Airlines AAdvantage number
The app, according to American Airlines, then verifies your information using technology from Thales, a travel security company, to compare against each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles records or your passport’s embedded NFC chip.
The app stores your American Airlines Mobile ID on your mobile device until you choose where and when to share it.
You then show a QR code to a TSA transportation security officer and look into a camera at the security checkpoint, which matches your encrypted image against your American Airlines Mobile ID.
American says the process takes less than 5 seconds.
If you’re worried about privacy, American says it erases the encrypted digital ID from its checkpoint readers. You can keep your digital identification on your device until you’re ready to use it again at a location such as an airport lounge.
The program is available at DFW, with plans to expand to 3 other locations. Image Credit: TSA
“We’re committed to making our customers’ journeys easier, and airport waypoints provide significant opportunities for innovation,” said Julie Rath, Vice President of Customer Experience, Loyalty and Marketing for American Airlines, in a statement.
“By simplifying the identity verification process and other points at the airport, we’re helping our customers exchange stress for convenience and saved time, and propelling the travel industry further along the path to a truly seamless customer experience,” the statement continued.
The pilot is available at all TSA PreCheck locations at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). Other locations serving American flights will be coming soon, including:
The American Airlines Mobile ID program is optional, so travelers unsettled at handing over more biometric information don’t have to opt-in. But those flying American Airlines and wanting for a more streamlined way to get through TSA security screening have a new option at DFW and soon, at a few other airports.