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Boasting a portfolio of over 20 cards, Jarrod has been an expert in the points and miles space for over 6 years. He earns and redeems over 1 million points per year and his work has been featured in o...
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American Express business cardholders can now rack up points when they refer a new business to the American Express suite of cards thanks to the new Travel More With +4 promotion.
Here is a look at the details of the latest promotion, including what cards and purchases are eligible, how many Membership Rewards points you can earn, and more. More With +4 Promotion Details
Image Credit: American Express
To celebrate the launch of the Refer a Business program, American Express will offer the Travel More With +4 promotion through November 14, 2022.
During the promotion window, business cardholders who successfully refer a new business to an American Express card will receive +4 Membership Rewards points on travel and transit purchases, on up to $20,000 in purchases, for 3 months from the approval date.
Travel purchases include airfare, hotels, cruises, tours, car rentals, campgrounds, third-party travel websites, and, while Transit purchases include: trains, taxicabs, rideshare services, ferries, tolls, parking, buses, and subways.
One great aspect of the promotion is that the +4 rewards you earn are in addition to the points you already receive from a card’s bonus categories.
For instance, Amex Business Platinum cardholders will earn 9x points on flights and prepaid hotels booked through (5x earning on flights and prepaid hotels on plus 4x from the promotion). With the Amex Blue Business Plus card, you’ll earn 6x points on all eligible travel and transit purchases (2x on all purchases plus 4x from the promotion).
Those with one of the cash-back cards, the Amex Blue Business Cash card or the Amex Plum card, will earn an added 4% cash-back on top of the card’s bonus categories, allowing those with the Amex Blue Business Cash card to earn 6% cash back on eligible purchases for 3 months or up to $20,000 in spend.
American Express offered a similar promotion last year for personal cards, and it is great to see the promotion extended to business cardholders this time around. This is a great promotion for business owners to take advantage of, as it allows you to earn up to an additional $800 in cash-back or 80,000 Membership Rewards points if you meet the $20,000 purchase threshold within the 3-month window.
If you know of a fellow business owner that is in the market for a new Amex card, now is the time to start sending out your referral link.