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Victoria holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the Howard University School of Communications and is an award-winning journalist, travel reporter, and the founder of the “Carrying On with Victoria...
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Avelo Airlines has announced 3 new routes from Mobile, Alabama (BFM), and Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina (GSP).
Here’s what you need to know!
3 New Avelo Routes This Summer
Avelo will add Mobile International Airport (BFM) to its route map, launching new service to Orlando (MCO) on May 31, 2023. This flight will be offered twice weekly on Thursdays and Sundays.
With this new route, Avelo will become the only airline to offer nonstop service to Florida from Mobile (BFM), which is one of the newest airports along the Gulf Coast.
Additionally, Avelo will bring 2 new routes to Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP) from Orlando (MCO) and its Connecticut base at Tweed-New Haven Airport (HVN):
Inaugural Date
Greenville-Spartanburg (GSP) to Orlando (MCO)
June 7, 2023
Wednesdays and Saturdays (Mondays and Friday starting June 23, 2023)
Greenville-Spartanburg (GSP) to New Haven (HVN)
June 22, 2023
Thursdays and Sundays
All 3 routes will operate on a Boeing 737 aircraft. Combined, the carrier will serve more than 2 dozen nonstop routes to and from New Haven and Orlando.
“We are excited to introduce South Carolina’s Upcountry and Mobile, Alabama, to Avelo’s low fares, industry-leading reliability, and caring service,” Avelo Airlines Chairman and CEO Andrew Levy said in a statement. “Travel is now more convenient than ever with the addition of these two small, fast and easy hometown airports.”
Featured Image: Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for Avelo
The 3 new routes bring Avelo’s network to 37 destinations.
Avelo began operating in April 2021 and has flown more than 15,000 flights since. Just a few weeks ago, the Houston-based airline announced Brownsville–South Padre Island, Texas (BRO); Charlottesville, Virginia (CHO); and Colorado Springs, Colorado (COS) as new destinations. Additionally, Avelo will add nonstop flights between Charlottesville, Virginia (CHO), and Orlando (MCO) this spring.
How to Book
The airline is offering introductory fares from $29 between Orlando and Mobile, and at $49 from Greenville-Spartanburg to Orlando and New Haven, for travel completed by September 6, 2023.
These tickets must be booked by March 17, 2023, and note that fares are available on a limited number of flights and seats. You’ll also want to book your tickets online, as calling the airline’s customer service line to book will incur an additional $20 fee.
Finally, keep in mind that Avelo is a low-cost airline, which means you’ll pay extra for your carry-on and checked baggage, as well as seat selection.
Hot Tip: Don’t forget to check out Avelo’s optional services page for details on how much carry-on and checked bags will cost before your flight!
Final Thoughts
Avelo is adding more nonstop flights to its ever-expanding route map. Travelers in the areas getting new routes should be excited to fly nonstop to some fantastic locations, particularly Orlando. Make sure to book the introductory fares before they expire!