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Boasting a portfolio of over 20 cards, Jarrod has been an expert in the points and miles space for over 6 years. He earns and redeems over 1 million points per year and his work has been featured in o...
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One of the biggest pain points after being approved for a new credit card is the time it takes for your new card to arrive in the mail so that you can start using it — which can often be in excess of 7 to 10 days!
This can be especially annoying if you’re hoping to make headway on the card’s minimum spending requirements for the welcome bonus or have a large purchase you need to make that you’d like to earn rewards for.
Fortunately, Chase is now offering a “Spend Instantly” feature that allows you to immediately link your card to a digital wallet after you’ve been approved.
Here’s what you need to know.
How To Use the Spend Instantly Feature
After you’ve been approved for a new card, you can head to the Chase mobile app and link it to Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay to begin using the card at merchants that accept these digital wallet platforms.
Step 2: You should see a list of your current Chase cards (if you have any), along with the card you were just approved for. Click on your new card, then scroll down to Account Services and select Digital Wallets.
Image Credit: Chase
Step 3: Once here, you’ll need to select which digital wallet you want to link your card to — either Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay.
Step 4: After that, you’re all set to start using your card at any merchant that accepts your linked digital wallet platform.
Hot Tip: Check out our list of the best Chase credit cards for rewards, perks, and cash-back!
Final Thoughts
Naturally, the reason you’re applying for a rewards credit card is that you aim to start earning rewards on all of your purchases as soon as possible, and the Chase Spend Instantly feature gives you the opportunity to do that instead of waiting for your new card to arrive in the mail.