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Chris holds a B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management and managed social media for all Marriott properties in South America, making him a perfect fit for UP and its social media channels. He has a ...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
If you have a personal Citi credit card in your wallet, log in to your account on a computer or through the mobile app to check your Citi Merchant Offers to see if you’re eligible to get $10 back at Uber, Uber One, and Uber Eats.
Citi Merchant Offers have slowly — but steadily — become more and more competitive with the likes of Amex Offers.
And now, Citi has released a batch of targeted offers for Uber which could score you a free ride or some free food.
Let’s take a look at the details.
Get $10 Back With Uber
Image Credit: Citi
Targeted Citi cardholders can get $10 back on any purchase with Uber up to 4 times.
There doesn’t appear to be a minimum charge or threshold to hit, so it looks like your next 4 Uber rides will be discounted up to $10 each for a maximum total of $40.
Some terms to be aware of:
The offer expires on September 19, 2022
Not valid with other offers
The transaction must be made in the U.S. and in U.S. dollars
Subject to change or cancellation at any time
There is no fine print about needing to be an actual ride, so it may be possible to trigger this offer by adding funds via Uber Cash in your wallet in the Uber app.
If you plan on using Uber 4 times before September 19, this is a solid offer worth up to $40.
Citi Merchant Offers is relatively new compared to Amex Offers and Chase Offers, but the concept is the same — add offers to get statement credits from participating retailers.
Although the rollout was slow, all personal cardholders should have access to Citi Merchant Offers by now.
Offers are targeted, so you may not see all of the examples above on your card. For example, I had all 3 offers on my Citi Premier® Card while my wife only had Uber Eats on her Citi Prestige® Card.
Hot Tip: Using the Citi mobile app is faster and easier when searching for and adding Citi Merchant Offers.
Final Thoughts
You can’t complain about free food and free rides, right?
These are some solid Citi Merchant Offers for Uber, Uber Eats, and Uber One. So if you plan on using any or all of those before September 19, be sure to log into your account to see if you’re targeted to take advantage!
The information for the Citi Prestige® Card has been collected independently by Upgraded Points and not provided nor reviewed by the issuer.