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Daniel has loved aviation and travel his entire life. He earned a Master of Science in Air Transport Management and has written about travel and aviation in publications like Simple Flying, The Points...
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JetBlue’s latest domestic route announcement is a testament to its love of connecting more of the U.S. with Florida.
The 2 route additions to the airline’s route network will be from Worcester (ORH) to Fort Myers (RSW) and Orlando (MCO).
“We are proud to introduce even more options to connect our Massachusetts customers to the places they want to fly with more nonstop Florida service from Worcester,” said Robin Hayes, chief executive officer at JetBlue.
Here are the details of JetBlue’s newest East Coast connections.
If It’s Florida, JetBlue’s Going
With its new routes from Worcester, JetBlue continues to focus on providing connectivity between the Northeast and various cities in Florida.
While the Worcester to Orlando service was operated in the past by JetBlue, the Worcester to Fort Myers is a completely new venture for the airline. These 2 new services to Florida bring more choices to those living in regional Massachusetts and outside of the airline’s focus airport of Boston (BOS).
“JetBlue’s announcement to return Orlando service and start their new service to Fort Myers offers travelers two more great destinations in Florida to visit,” said Ed Freni, director at Massport Aviation.
JetBlue will fly its Airbus A320 out of Worcester (ORH). Image Credit: JetBlue
The Details
Starting on June 15, 2023, JetBlue’s Worcester to Orlando service will operate daily on a year-round basis with the following schedule: