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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
Kimpton Hotels, part of the IHG family of hotels, is offering 20% off its best available rate plan at most of its hotels through the end of 2022 thanks to its new partnership with Talkspace, an online platform that matches you with a licensed counselor.
The Kimpton x Talkspace Partnership
The Kimpton x Talkspace partnership was conceived from the hardships many staff and consumers have experienced over the last few years.
Kimpton employees can now receive free video therapy sessions from Talkspace’s licensed counselors thanks to a free year-long membership they will be given, and Kimpton guests will be able to redeem a $100 coupon to discount their Talkspace membership plan.
Complimentary Live Video Therapy and Discount Coupon
Kimpton guests can take advantage of services and a discount offered by Talkspace. Image Credit: Talkspace
The first 1,000 Kimpton guests to email with their interest can receive a complimentary video therapy session on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you’d like a $100 discount on a Talkspace plan, you can use code KIMPTON on the Talkspace website.
20% Discount at Kimpton Hotels
You can book most Kimpton hotels at 20% off until the end of the year. Image Credit: IHG
Thanks to the Kimpton x Talkspace partnership, you can also receive 20% off of Kimpton hotels through December 30, 2022. It doesn’t appear that you actually need to be a Talkspace member to avail yourself of the discount, though creating an account on the Talkspace website is free.
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants are usually very well-located in major urban centers or prime city-center districts and combine style and location along with a signature suite of complimentary amenities including:
Taxes and fees will be added to your booking, and the discount doesn’t apply on top of any other offers you may have or discounts you may be using (though, 20% is pretty generous, so it’s likely you won’t find many discounts beating that). This rate is only valid Thursday through Sunday night and blackout dates may apply.
Final Thoughts
Kimpton hotels are really great properties — they’re usually in the heart of the city and always have a unique, local vibe. To be able to book these hotels at a 20% discount without a lot of work is a true steal! It also may be worthwhile to explore Talkspace’s therapy plans as well, as complimentary sessions and discounts are being offered to Kimpton guests.