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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Uber has introduced its latest subscription-based model, replacing the previous Uber Eats pass with the new Uber One program, designed to offer benefits across all of Uber ’s services.
What Is Uber One?
While Eats Pass primarily focused on the popular food delivery side of the business, the similarly-priced Uber One offers benefits beyond just food. It is a subscription model where you pay in advance for a host of benefits throughout the term of your membership.
What Are the Benefits of Uber One?
For $9.99 per month or $99.99 a year, you can receive:
5% off all Uber rides and Uber Eats food and grocery delivery
The top-rated drivers for all Uber rides
$5 in Uber Cash if you order food and it arrives after the time you’re told
$0 delivery fees for food orders that exceed $15, and $0 delivery fees on grocery orders that exceed $30
Uber is introducing a paid Uber One subscription service, including discounts, order guarantees, and better customer support. Image Credit: Uber
While the close to $100 annual fee can be pricey for some, it really depends on how you use Uber as to whether the service will benefit you or not.
You might find Uber One beneficial if you:
Ride Uber rideshare a lot and can benefit from 5% savings on all rides and being paired with higher-rated drivers
Order to-go food a lot, where you’ll receive a 5% savings and also benefit from a delivery time guarantee
You have to use Uber a fair amount to benefit in these scenarios, so if you split your rideshares with Lyft or your food orders with DoorDash or other delivery services, you won’t benefit as much.
Final Thoughts
If you’re a routine Uber rider, the new Uber One membership will certainly come in handy. It provides savings on rides and orders and offers a better service experience, from better drivers to top-tier customer support. While not everyone will benefit unless they use Uber regularly, it’s nice to see Uber offer a subscription model for users to take advantage of.