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Travel insurance is one of those things you don’t know you need until it’s too late — or you read an in-depth review of one, like GoReady Insurance.
GoReady (formerly APRIL Travel Protection) is underwritten by Aegis General Insurance Agency. This is an independently owned insurance provider, meaning Aegis can pick and choose who it works with to provide services for its Go Ready travel insurance policies. This is different from most websites that are run by an underwriting company itself.
Aegis General Insurance Agency is a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, company founded in 1977, focusing on property insurance. The company was acquired by K2 Insurance Services in 2013, but Aegis remains an independent operating company. Aegis acquired French company April Travel Insurance in 2021, and it’s under that division of Aegis that the travel insurance branch, now called GoReady, still operates.
Let’s look at what GoReady travel insurance policies cover to see if they mesh with your upcoming trip.
Do I Need Travel Insurance?
Travel insurance, like other types of insurance, protects the money you’ve invested in your vacation against losses from the unexpected, such as a canceled trip or delayed or lost luggage. The more your trip costs, the more it makes sense to protect your financial investment with a travel insurance policy.
Travel insurance can protect more than your money, though. It can provide medical coverage in case you or someone in your family becomes ill or gets injured while traveling.
Here are key reasons why buying a travel insurance policy can make sense:
Your existing healthcare coverage won’t apply at your destination or won’t cover some of the activities you’re planning.
Your vacation involves nonrefundable deposits or prepayments you would lose if you cancel your trip at the last minute.
Medical facilities at your destination may not be sufficient, meaning you could need a costly medical evacuation if you get injured.
You have a complex itinerary, moving between several locations and creating more opportunities for luggage to get lost along the way or for delays to create problems further down the line.
Bottom Line:
Travel insurance may not make sense for every trip, but if you’ve invested significant money in a trip or are worried about the medical facilities at your destination, having a travel insurance policy makes sense.
Travel Insurance and COVID-19
COVID-19 has affected nearly every corner of the planet. All GoReady travel insurance plans include pandemic coverage for COVID-19.
What benefits are included can vary by plan, though. For example, all plans can reimburse you for trip cancellations if you have to stay home after testing positive for COVID-19.
Premium plans, however, can provide additional coverage, reimbursing you for flight change fees after you test positive and even providing coverage if your babysitter or business partner tests positive, forcing you to alter your trip plans. And all plans cover quarantine obligations should you test positive while traveling.
Image Credit: Seventyfour via Adobe Stock
Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) coverage is an optional upgrade when purchasing a travel insurance plan. It can provide additional benefits if you cancel a trip because of COVID-19 — but it likely won’t provide a 100% refund. Coverage is for up to 75% of nonrefundable costs, and you must add CFAR within 14 days of your first trip deposit.
A few other situations worth considering:
At-home tests are not considered sufficient proof to invoke coverage.
If your plan includes medical expenses, the benefit should apply if you become sick with COVID-19 during a trip.
If you are forced to quarantine, your plan should remain in effect until the quarantine ends, and trip cancellation, interruption, and medical expense benefits should apply.
What Policies Are Available With GoReady Travel Insurance?
GoReady provides 2 main general of plans: those for a single trip and those covering a full year of multiple trips.
Single-Trip Plans
Within the single-trip plans are several options. Let’s compare the 4 most popular.
Go Ready Choice Plan offers the most basic coverage, including the option to upgrade your plan with add-ons
Go Ready VIP Plan offers higher coverage limits and more types of coverage
Go Ready Pandemic Plus Plan focuses on you or a travel companion testing positive for COVID-19, with most of its coverage focusing on medical benefits but not delayed luggage or injuries during your trip
Go Ready Cruise Plan focuses on specific concerns for cruise ship passengers, like missed ports of call and missed connections
Includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, and travel delay (with quarantine accommodations) for the insured, traveling companions, or family member. Also includes emergency medical plus emergency assistance and transportation (evacuation/repatriation) for the insured after testing positive.
Includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, and travel delay (with quarantine accommodations) for the insured, traveling companions, or family member. Also includes emergency medical plus emergency assistance and transportation (evacuation/repatriation) for the insured after testing positive.
Includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, airline ticket change fee, and travel delay (with quarantine accommodations) for the insured, traveling companions, family member, child’s caregiver, or business partner testing positive. Also includes emergency medical plus emergency assistance and transportation (evacuation/repatriation) for the insured after testing positive.
Includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, and travel delay (with quarantine accommodations) for the insured, traveling companions, or family member. Also includes emergency medical plus emergency assistance and transportation (evacuation/repatriation) for the insured after testing positive.
Trip Cancellation
100% of insured cost
100% of insured cost
100% of insured cost
100% of insured cost
Trip Interruption
150% of insured cost
175% of insured cost
150% of insured cost
150% of insured cost
Travel Delay (COVID Quarantine)
$150 per person daily $2,000 overall limit 6-hour delay or more
$250 per person daily $1,500 overall limit 6-hour delay or more
$200 per person daily $1,000 overall limit 6-hour delay or more
$250 per person daily $1,000 overall limit 6-hour delay or more
Missed Connection
$500 per person daily Minimum 3-hour delay
$1,000 per person daily Minimum 3-hour delay
$250 per person daily Minimum 3-hour delay
$750 per person daily $0 plan limit Minimum 3-hour delay
Trip Inconvenience
$500 per person
$250 per person $0 plan limit
Airline Ticket Change Fee
$200 per person
Missed Port of Call
$200 per missed port, $600 maximum
Emergency Assistance and Transportation
Add-on available: $250,000 per person
$1 million per person (secondary coverage)
$250,000 per person (secondary coverage), $0 plan limit
Medical and Dental
Add-on available: $50,000 per person (secondary coverage)
$250,000 per person (secondary coverage)
$50,000 per person (primary coverage), $50 deductible, dental limit of $750, advance payment to hospital of $1,000
$100,000 per person (secondary coverage), $0 plan limit
Preexisting Conditions Waiver
Included if policy is purchased within 14 days of initial trip deposit
Included if policy is purchased within 14 days of initial trip deposit
Included if policy is purchased within 24 hours of final trip payment
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: Travel Accident
Add-on available: $10,000 per person, maximum of $50,000 per policy
$50,000 per person, $100,000 plan limit
$25,000 per person, $100,000 plan limit
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: Air Only
$100,000 per person, $200,000 plan limit
Accidental Death and Dismemberment
$10,000 per person
Preexisting Conditions Waiver
Included if policy is purchased within 14 days of initial trip deposit
Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation
$500,000 per person
Baggage Coverage
Add-on available: $500 per person
$2,500 per person
$2,500 per person
Add-on available: $1,500 per person, $0 plan limit
Baggage Delay
Add-on available: $200 per person, delays of 24 or more hours
$750 per person, delays of 24 or more hours
$500 per person, delays of 12 or more hours
Add-on available: $750 per person, $0 plan limit, delays of 24 or more hours
Baggage Delay: Business Equipment
Add-on available
Baggage Delay: Sports Equipment
Add-on available
Baggage and Personal Effects: Business Equipment
Add-on available
Add-on available
Baggage and Personal Effects: Sports Equipment
Add-on available
Add-on available
Financial Insolvency
Add-on available
Rental Car Damage
Add-on available
$50,000 per person, per plan
Add-on available
Cancel for Any Reason
Add-on available
Add-on available
Add-on available
Add-on available
Trip Cancellation for Work Reasons
Add-on available
Add-on available
Automobile Mechanical Breakdown
Add-on available
Maximum Trip Length
60 days
60 days
90 days
90 days
The Trip Inconvenience clause on the VIP plan provides a unique benefit, insuring you for missed work from your transportation carrier’s delay or when key aspects of your trip are canceled for weather or mechanical reasons, such as at amusement parks or golf courses. Add-ons are also available for lost or delayed business equipment and sports equipment, and CFAR is available with all plans for an additional cost.
Annual/Multiple-Trip Insurance Policies
It’s also possible to purchase an annual travel insurance plan, effective on a date of your choosing. Along with differences in coverage types and maximum payouts, the 2 plans have different maximum trip lengths for any single trip within the year.
Includes coverage for trip interruption and airline ticket change fees if the insured, travel companion, family member, child’s caregiver, or business partner tests positive. Also includes emergency medical, evacuation, and repatriation for the insured if needed after testing positive.
Includes coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, or travel delay (with quarantine accommodations) if the insured, travel companion, or family member tests positive. Also includes emergency medical and emergency assistance and transportation (evacuation/repatriation) for the insured if needed after testing positive.
Airline Ticket Change Fee
$200 per person, 3-hour delay or more
Trip Interruption
100% of the trip cost limit, maximum $2,000 per policy
Add-on available: Up to $1,000
Missed Port of Call
Add-on available
Trip Cancellation
Add-on available: Up to $1,000
Travel Delay (COVID Quarantine)
Add-on available: $750 overall limit, 6-hour delay or more, $150 per person daily limit
Missed Connection
$500 per person, per day, 3-hour delay or more
Trip Inconvenience
$200 per person
Accidental Death and Dismemberment — Air Only
Included, principal sum of $25,000
$25,000 per person, $50,000 plan limit
Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Principal sum of $25,000
Medical and Dental
$30,000 per person, $750 dental limit ($0 deductible), $1,000 advance payment to hospital, primary coverage
$50,000 per person, secondary coverage
Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation
$50,000 per person, primary coverage
Emergency Assistance and Transportation
$100,000 per person
Accidental Death and Dismemberment in Travel Accident
$10,000 per person, $50,000 plan limit
Baggage and Personal Effects
$1,000 per person, $250 per item, maximum $1,000 limit for described items
Add-on available: $1,000 per person
Baggage Delay
$100 per person, $300 plan limit, 12-hour delay or more
Add-on available: $200 per person
Automobile Mechanical Breakdown
Add-on available
Rental Car Damage
Add-on available
Maximum Trip Length
90 days
31 days
If you will take multiple trips over the next year, an annual plan could be cheaper than multiple single-trip plans.
Home page with form to get a quote. Image Credit: GoReady
Click on the option for a single trip or annual travel next to “I need a quote for,” then fill out the information.
For a single trip, fill out the cost of your trip, ages of the travelers, and the date of your initial trip payment. Provide travel dates and destinations.
For an annual policy, you don’t have to provide destinations or travel dates. Instead, you choose an effective date for the policy and provide traveler ages.
Form to get a quote for an annual plan. Image Credit: GoReady
Note that policies aren’t effective in certain countries. Many of these are expected, such as North Korea and Syria, but you may be surprised to learn that Peru isn’t a covered destination. If you’re planning to hike the Inca Trail or visit Machu Picchu, this policy isn’t for you.
The next page shows prices for your plan options and allows you to compare them.
Prices for this sample annual plan. Image Credit: GoReady
If you’re shopping for a single-trip plan, the website will show you the most popular plans, as well as other potential offerings like one centered on vacation rentals and a plan purely focused on trip cancellations.
Prices for this sample single-trip plan. Image Credit: GoReady
Again, the layout allows you to compare inclusions, exclusions, and add-ons side by side.
If you’re considering any adventure activities or extreme sports during your trip, the trip cancellation policy isn’t for you. It includes these exclusions: “mountain climbing, bungee cord jumping, skydiving, parachuting, hang gliding, parasailing, caving, extreme skiing, heli-skiing, skiing outside marked trails, boxing, full contact martial arts, scuba diving below 120 feet (40 meters) or without a dive master, or travel on any air-supported device, other than on a regularly scheduled airline or air charter company.”
How GoReady Compares to Other Insurance
GoReady vs. Credit Card Travel Insurance
Inside your wallet, you may have a credit card with travel insurance. Coverage from a credit card may be sufficient for quick, simple, or trips without costly upfront payments, but it doesn’t include everything that a comprehensive travel insurance policy covers.
$10,000 per trip, $20,000 per occurrence, $40,000 per 12-month period
100% of insured trip cost
Trip Interruption
$10,000 per trip, $20,000 per 12-month period
$10,000 per person, $20,000 per occurrence, $40,000 per 12-month period
175% of insured trip cost
Trip Delay
$500 per trip, limit of 2 claims per 12-month period
$500 per person, per trip
$250 per person daily Maximum $1,500 plan limit 6-hour delay or more
Lost/Damaged Luggage
Up to $3,000
Up to $3,000 per person, per trip
$2,500 per person
Baggage Delay
Up to $500 per person, per trip
$750 per person, 24-hour delay or more
Emergency Medical and Dental
$2,500 with a $50 deductible
$250,000 per person, secondary coverage
Emergency Evacuation
Can be provided for you at no cost if coordinated through the Premium Global Assist Hotline
Up to $100,000
Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Up to $1 million
Air accident: $100,000 per person, $200,000 plan limit Other accident: $50,000 per person, $100,000 plan limit
Travel and Emergency Assistance
$1 million per person, secondary coverage
While the cards both provide rental car coverage as an included benefit, this is an add-on with GoReady. GoReady also doesn’t include emergency evacuation coverage in its VIP plan, and its travel and emergency assistance services are considered secondary coverage.
GoReady does come out ahead in other areas, though. Its emergency medical and dental maximums are much higher than the card providers’, and it provides up to 175% reimbursement for trip interruption — rather than a fixed amount or simply reimbursing the money you lost.
To compare GoReady against competitors, we used Squaremouth, a travel insurance shopping and comparison website. We looked for a 1-week policy for the following sample trip:
2 travelers
Ages 40 and 38
Going to Jamaica 6 months from now
Trip cost: $3,000
Initial trip deposit paid within the last 24 hours
State of residence: California
The Go Ready Choice Plan was nearly the same price as the Nationwide Essential plan, offering the same coverage for COVID-19 and trip cancellation benefits. However, GoReady only required a 6-hour delay for hurricane and weather benefits, and it offered a 150% trip interruption maximum, rather than 125% for Nationwide.
Seven Corners cost the most of these 3 options, yet it had the lowest coverage for trip interruption. It also had the longest delay requirement for hurricane and weather issues.
Comparison with Nationwide and Seven Corners. Image Credit: Squaremouth
For delay and baggage benefits, GoReady had the highest maximum travel delay payout — more than 3 times what Nationwide and Seven Corners offered. However, GoReady wouldn’t provide any reimbursement for expenses until your bags are delayed for 24 hours, while Nationwide’s coverage would kick in at 12 hours. Seven Corners’ coverage would take effect after just 6 hours.
Comparison with Nationwide and Seven Corners. Image Credit: Squaremouth
GoReady’s lost luggage benefit didn’t stipulate any per-item maximums, unlike with competitors, and it offered the same maximum as Seven Corners. Nationwide offered up to $600 here, rather than the $500 its competitors did.
How To File a Claim With GoReady Travel Insurance
You can file a claim online. Fill out the requested information and upload your supporting documents.
Start of the claim submission process. Image Credit: GoReady
It’s also possible to start a claim via online chat on the website or by calling 866-516-8592 and selecting the third option. Most claims are processed within 7 to 10 business days, according to GoReady.
If you’re experiencing an issue that should be covered by your policy, you may not need to pay for expenses up front and submit a claim for reimbursement. GoReady’s Stress Less Benefits are included in all plans and can provide direct payments to hospitals, airlines, or evacuation services on your behalf so you can avoid fronting the cost.
Final Thoughts
GoReady travel insurance, part of the Aegis General Insurance Agency, provides single-trip and annual travel insurance policies that you can customize in multiple ways. Given the range of policies, there should be something to suit most travelers. GoReady offers notable types of coverage you don’t see everywhere, such as for trip inconvenience and delayed sports equipment.
However, every trip you take is unique, and you should evaluate every insurance plan carefully to see what coverage works best for you. Every policy will have inclusions and exclusions, so ensure you read these carefully before purchasing. Having a policy that doesn’t cover your destination or intended activities is the same as not having a policy at all.
Bottom Line:
Always read the fine print!
For the secondary rental car coverage benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express, Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance can provide coverage up to $75,000 for theft of or damage to most rental vehicles when you use your eligible Card to reserve and pay for the entire eligible vehicle rental and decline the collision damage waiver or similar option offered by the Commercial Car Rental Company. This product provides secondary coverage and does not include liability coverage. Not all vehicle types or rentals are covered. Geographic restrictions apply. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
For the baggage insurance benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express, Baggage Insurance Plan coverage can be in effect for Covered Persons for eligible lost, damaged, or stolen Baggage during their travel on a Common Carrier Vehicle (e.g. plane, train, ship, or bus) when the Entire Fare for a ticket for the trip (one-way or round-trip) is charged to an Eligible Card. Coverage can be provided for up to $2,000 for checked Baggage and up to a combined maximum of $3,000 for checked and carry-on Baggage, in excess of coverage provided by the Common Carrier. The coverage is also subject to a $3,000 aggregate limit per Covered Trip. For New York State residents, there is a $2,000 per bag/suitcase limit for each Covered Person with a $10,000 aggregate maximum for all Covered Persons per Covered Trip. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company.
For the premium global assist benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express, you can rely on Global Assist Hotline 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for medical, legal, financial or other select emergency coordination and assistance services while traveling more than 100 miles away from your home. Plus, we may provide emergency medical transportation assistance and related services. Third-party service costs may be your responsibility. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Visit for more details. If approved and coordinated by Premium Global Assist Hotline, emergency medical transportation assistance may be provided at no cost. In any other circumstance, Card Members may be responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers.
For the trip cancellation and interruption insurance benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express, the maximum benefit amount for Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance is $10,000 per Covered Trip and $20,000 per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Visit for more details. Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.
For the trip delay insurance benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express, up to $500 per Covered Trip that is delayed for more than 6 hours; and 2 claims per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Visit for more details. Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.