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James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in...
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Update: The offer mentioned below has expired and is no longer available.
When you ride with Uber or get takeout with Uber Eats, you’ll earn extra Loyalty Points, good for earning status in the new American Airlines Loyalty Points scheme. The more points you earn, the higher elite status you’ll be rewarded with at American.
Loyalty Points
American Airlines has revamped its loyalty program to replace the previously earned Elite Qualifying Miles (EQMs), Elite Qualifying Segments (EQS), and Elite Qualifying Dollars (EQDs) with a simplified Loyalty Points scheme. In order to earn status, you need to earn Loyalty Points, which can be earned in a variety of ways, including flying, staying at an eligible hotel, and utilizing one of American’s partners.
SimplyMiles and Uber
Image Credit: SimplyMiles
SimplyMiles is a platform from American for AAdvantage members to earn miles on everyday purchases or activities when shopping in-store and online with their valid Mastercard.
There are 3 new offers to get more AAdvantage Loyalty Points by utilizing Uber, though your account may not be targeted for all of them:
When you purchase $25 or more on Uber Eats by July 31, 2022, you’ll earn 465 Loyalty Points.
Take any trip on Uber, and you’ll earn 465 Loyalty Points, again through July 31, 2022. This offer can be repeated 4 times, for a total of 1,395 points earned. This is likely the easiest of the 3 offers to participate in since there’s no spending threshold, and it’s common for most folks to take an Uber at least once a month.
Purchase an Uber One membership and you’ll get 460 Loyalty Points. This offer can be repeated twice and carries the same expiration of July 31, 2022. An Uber membership costs $9.99 per month, so you’d simply need to keep your account active for 2 months in order to get both sets of Loyalty Points.
To activate the offers, click Add to Card. A green ACTIVATED box with a checkmark will indicate that you’ve selected the offer.
Taking advantage of all 3 of these programs would net 3,225 Loyalty Points. Considering AAdvantage Gold status only requires 25,000 Loyalty Points, this actually brings you a decent chunk of the way there. With American’s new program, you don’t need to fly to earn status, so taking advantage of partner offers is key to earning status quickly without having to purchase a ton of plane tickets.
This offer can quickly accelerate your earning of American elite status. Earning the 465 miles on traditional Uber rides is likely going to be the easiest of the 3 offers to accomplish, so make sure to activate the offers on the SimplyMiles site to start earning today!