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Victoria holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the Howard University School of Communications and is an award-winning journalist, travel reporter, and the founder of the “Carrying On with Victoria...
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Want to fly Singapore Airlines’ excellent premium economy product to Europe? You can find flights from the East Coast to Germany starting at just $902 round-trip.
Let’s check out the deal!
Fare Deal — Details
This deal is operated on Singapore’s fifth-freedom route between New York (JFK) and Frankfurt (FRA). Both legs are nonstop and are operated on the Airbus A380.
Singapore’s premium economy is a great way to fly to Europe. Premium economy passengers have their own private cabin, extra legroom and preorder meals through Singapore’s beloved Book the Cook menu up to 24 hours before takeoff.
Note that the cheapest tickets are in “Premium Economy Lite,” the most restrictive in this fare class. While “Premium Economy Standard” passengers may upgrade their ticket with miles, Lite tickets are unable to do so. Changing your flight on a Lite ticket will incur a $100 charge, while the change fee on a Standard ticket is just $50.
There’s widespread availability between February 2023 and April 2023, so it shouldn’t be hard to find a ticket.
Plug your preferred dates into Google Flights and then book directly with Singapore. Make sure to select the premium economy option instead of economy when booking through Singapore, and use a card that rewards you for flights or general travel:
This is a terrific deal if you want to check out Singapore’s premium economy class without breaking the bank. While there’s pretty good availability between February and April, these deals typically don’t last long, so you’ll want to book ASAP!