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Victoria holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the Howard University School of Communications and is an award-winning journalist, travel reporter, and the founder of the “Carrying On with Victoria...
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Everyone loves hotel promotions, and they’re even sweeter when you can earn a ton of points for your stay.
Wyndham Rewards recently launched a promo where its cardholders can earn5x on their next stay at Wyndham properties.
Let’s dig into everything you need to know about this new promotion and how you can earn maximum points!
Make sure you register for this offer before December 9, 2022, and complete your qualified stay by February 28, 2023 to earn 5x points at Wyndham resorts around the world.
Be sure to book directly through the website, app, or by calling the hotel so that you earn the points from your stay, and keep in mind that the bonus points will be applied to base points earned only.
Wyndham Alltra Cancun. Image Credit: Wyndham
You have the potential to earn a ton of points from this promotion, even if you aren’t a Wyndham loyalist. Members at the Wyndham Blue level (which you receive upon enrollment) earn 10 points per dollar on Wyndham stays (1,000 points per stay minimum). So if you stayed 5 nights at a property costing $300 per night, you’d earn 75,000 bonus points just for that stay. We value Wyndham Rewards points at 0.9 cents each, meaning that 75,000 points in this example could be worth $675!
If you’re looking to earn even more Wyndham points, you may also want to consider transferring some in. Both Capital One miles and Citi ThankYou Points transfer to Wyndham at a 1:1 ratio, meaning 1 flexible point becomes 1 hotel point.
Final Thoughts
Wyndham Rewards has a pretty standard and easy way to redeem points. All hotels in the Wyndham portfolio are either 7,500, 15,000, or 30,000 points per night. That makes it easy to redeem points for free nights from this new promotion, even if you complete just 1 qualifying 2-night stay.
And with dozens of hotels worldwide, you’re sure to find a hotel to take advantage of this newest promotion.